
What Are the Best Plants for My Shady Garden?

You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Best Plants for My Shady Garden? If your Connecticut yard is more sun-dappled than sun-soaked, you don’t have to miss out on the joy of beautiful plants that not only look lush and green, but also deliver some color and variety to your yard. Shady spots in your yard are ideal for certain types of plants, and as we here at Calcagni Real Estate are garden lovers, we’ve...

What Are the Most Hearty Outdoor Plants for My Dry Connecticut Yard?

You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Most Hearty Outdoor Plants for My Dry Connecticut Yard? While Connecticut weather is anything but predictable, chances are, we’ll hit a dry spell at some point this summer. But drought-like conditions don’t have to mean missing out on the beauty of colorful flowers and pretty groundcover in your yard. In fact, when you choose your outdoor plants with dry spells or...

What Are the Best Ways to Grow an Eco-Friendly Green Lawn?

You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Best Ways to Grow an Eco-Friendly Green Lawn? With spring underway here in Connecticut, many of us are anxiously awaiting the green blanket of lawn that signals that warm weather is here to stay. But if having a plush green yard seems more aspirational than doable, you’re not alone. For many of us, a thick carpet of grass takes a whole lot of experimentation, work–and...

What’s the Must-Have Feature for Homes in 2023?

You Ask, We Answer: What’s the Must-Have Feature for Homes in 2023? Your Connecticut home is your sanctuary, and since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s no doubt taken on even more importance. While many of us have gone back to the office or have embraced a hybrid schedule, some elements of 2020 still remain: namely, our love of enjoying outdoor spaces. And we’re not alone. Here’s the...

How Can I Compost to Feed My Plants?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Compost to Feed My Plants? Spring is (finally!) here in Connecticut, and that means buds on trees, shoots of green poking through the soil, and flowers bursting into bloom. If you’re looking forward to nurturing your garden to its full glory, read on. We’re digging into the best type of composting for your garden, what to compost, and how you can use your compost to feed...

Which Plants Should I Be Planting Now?

You Ask, We Answer: Which Plants Should I Be Planting Now? March is in full swing here in Connecticut, and that means we here at Calcagni Real Estate are marveling at the light still in the sky at six o’clock, thrilling at the sight of daffodil shoots growing taller, and daydreaming about a bountiful garden to enjoy all summer. If you’re also looking ahead to gardening this summer but aren’t sure...

5 Things to Do with Your Pumpkins After Halloween

5 Things to Do with Your Pumpkins After Halloween If you’re finally coming off that Halloween sugar high and wondering what to do with your pumpkins as we hurtle toward Thanksgiving, you’re not alone. Whether you’re staring into the face of your beautifully carved Jack-o-lantern or just need to streamline your uncarved pumpkin decor, you don’t want to just throw them in the trash. But what are...

How Can I Create a Climate Friendly Yard?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Create a Climate Friendly Yard? If you love the look of a beautifully landscaped yard but are concerned about its environmental impacts, we have good news: It’s possible to create a yard for your Connecticut home that isn’t just beautiful to look at, but better for the planet, too. Let’s dive in to determine what a climate friendly yard is, and how you can achieve...

5 Drought-Friendly Plants for Your Connecticut Garden

5 Drought-Friendly Plants for Your Connecticut Garden This summer in Connecticut has been a scorcher, and not just for us. Our yards have suffered the brunt of soaring temps and brilliant sunshine, and while we here at Calcagni Real Estate always love a beautiful garden, it can be hard to keep one at its best when faced with drought-like or diminished rainfall conditions. But going without rain...

4 Eco-Friendly Weed Killers That Work

4 Eco-Friendly Weed Killers That Work Summer in Connecticut may as well be synonymous with weeds. Between spring’s ample rain and the heat and humidity that have blanketed our beautiful state this year, weeds are having some of their best days ever. If you’re anything like us, you’ve become increasingly exasperated with how prolific the weeds in your yard are. But before you reach for that harsh...

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