
How to Properly Self-Clean Your Oven

How to Properly Self-Clean Your Oven If food drippings and grease have made your oven a big mess, self-cleaning option on your oven can come in handy. It's a convenient option that takes care of the cleaning for you, so you can focus on other things. If you're a little wary about using the self-cleaning oven feature, look no further. Today, we're going over how to use the self-cleaning function on your...

How Can I Optimize Kitchen Counter Space?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Optimize Kitchen Counter Space? One of life’s most common truisms? No matter how big or small your kitchen, counter space is always at a premium. But before you give in to the frustration of trying to cook while constantly relocating countertop items, read on: We have some tips for how to optimize your kitchen counter space. Hang up your knives…and your pots and pans...

How Can I Keep My Countertops Clutter-Free?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Keep My Countertops Clutter-Free? No matter how much counter space we have in our kitchens, somehow, it never feels like enough. This is probably because the kitchen truly is the heart of any home: a place to eat, to socialize, to do homework or jump on a work call. With all the ways kitchens meet our needs, it makes sense that our countertops become catch-alls as we move...

How Can I Declutter My Kitchen?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Declutter My Kitchen? When it comes to the kitchens in our Connecticut homes, it can feel like there’s never enough storage. From cookware and plates to pantry items run amok, our cabinets can quickly become way too full, causing items to spill out while we’re rummaging around for what we need or forcing us to store things piled on precious countertops. If your kitchen...

How Can I Make My Kitchen More Eco-Friendly?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Make My Kitchen More Eco-Friendly? In honor of Earth Month, we here at Calcagni Real Estate have been focusing on ways to make our Connecticut homes and yards more eco-friendly. And as we spend so much time in our kitchens–eating, socializing, doing homework, and working–our thoughts are turning toward the measures we can take to live a more sustainable lifestyle in the...

How Can I Organize My Refrigerator to Prevent Food Waste?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Organize My Refrigerator to Prevent Food Waste? We’ve all done it: grocery shopped with the best intentions, only to find that the leafy greens and fresh herbs have gone bad before we got around to using them. Or maybe it’s discovering the leftovers you forgot about at the back of the fridge, or buying another bottle of ketchup because you couldn’t see the one that was...

How Can I Organize My Messy Pantry?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Organize My Messy Pantry? Bags of lentils. Cans of beans. Random sauces and far too many flours. If this sounds like a familiar pantry scenario, you’re not alone. Many of us stocked up in the early days of the pandemic and today, those items are still taking up precious shelf space from the things we actually use on a regular basis. But your pantry doesn’t have to be a...

What Are Some Options for Less Expensive Cabinets?

You Ask, We Answer: What Are Some Options for Less Expensive Cabinets? If you’ve been dreaming of an updated kitchen or bathroom in your Connecticut home but can’t stomach the cost of custom cabinets, we have good news: Today’s options for less expensive cabinets are not only highly functional, they’re really good looking, too. Renovating two of the most important rooms in your house may be just...

How Do I Create a Chic Tablescape for the Holidays?

You Ask, We Answer: How Do I Create a Chic Tablescape for the Holidays?   Here at Calcagni Real Estate, we can’t wait to gather with our loved ones in the coming months. With autumn’s chill blanketing our Connecticut homes lately, we’re reminded that the holidays are right around the corner! Before we know it, we’ll be trading ghosts and witches for turkeys and cornucopia, and that means...

What Features Should I Look for in a Kitchen Island?

  You Ask, We Answer: What Features Should I Look for in a Kitchen Island?   Whether you’re hunting for a new house in Connecticut or thinking about renovating your current home, chances are, you’ll encounter a kitchen island—and if you don’t, you may want to consider adding one. Kitchen islands come in all shapes and sizes, but we have a few features for you to consider to make...

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