Common Misconceptions About Electricity Usage
In an effort to lower utility bills or live an environmentally friendly life, many homeowners try to reduce their electricity use. Unfortunately, many homeowners end up wasting electricity due to misunderstandings or misinformation. If you’re making one or more of these mistakes, you might be able to lower your utility bills with a few simple changes.
Misconception #1: Fans Make Rooms Cooler
Fans circulate air, but they don’t change the actual temperature. If you’re in a room with a fan on, the breeze makes you feel cooler, so you can set your air conditioner for a higher temperature and feel comfortable. Because of this, many people leave fans running when they don’t need them. Running a fan in an unoccupied room wastes electricity. Turning off the fan when you leave a room can reduce your electricity usage and save you money.
Misconception #2: Turning Electronic Devices On and Off Uses More Electricity Than Leaving Them on All the Time
While it used to take a significant amount of energy to power up a computer, that’s no longer true. Electronic devices have become more efficient over the years. Leaving your computer and other devices on all the time wastes electricity. Turn off your devices with confidence knowing you’re saving energy.
Misconception #3: When You Turn off Appliances and Electronic Devices, They Stop Using Electricity
Devices and appliances continue to consume electricity, even when they’re not being used. To avoid wasting energy and money, unplug appliances and devices when they’re not in use. That might be a hassle at first, but it can quickly become a regular part of your routine if you’re consistent. Plugging multiple devices into a single power strip can make things easier. You can simply unplug the power strip from the wall and plug it back in later rather than unplug and plug in each device individually. Another option is to use a smart plug that you can operate with your phone.
Misconception #4: It’s Cheaper to Run Appliances at Night
One of the most common misconceptions about electricity usage is that some utility companies charge lower rates at off-peak times, but many don’t. Running the dishwasher or doing laundry at night won’t save you money if your rate is the same at all hours. If you aren’t sure if your electricity rates vary, check your most recent bill or contact your utility company.