Energy Efficiency Tips for the Cooler Months

Energy Efficiency Tips for the Cooler Months

When the temperatures dip, your home’s energy condition rises. While higher heating bills during the colder months are inevitable, there are ways you can reduce your household energy consumption while reducing heating bills and still staying cozy, warm and comfortable. Read on for energy tips to keep in mind during the cooler months.

Reverse Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans keep the room cool and comfortable during the summer and usually remain off once the temperatures dip. However, reversing the ceiling fan when it’s time to turn on the heat will move the warm air at the top down to the bottom, helping to heat the room further.

Work With the Sun

During the day, open all the curtains, shades and blinds to allow the sun to heat your home. Once the sun begins to set, close the window treatments to trap the warmth inside and reduce the chill from the windows. Insulated window treatments can also help block the cold air from entering through the windows.

Repair Air Leaks

Air leaks in the doors and windows can cause heat loss. Checking your house for leaky windows and doors can reduce energy usage. Simply putting a piece of paper under the doors and windows can show you if air is leaking. If the paper slides around, it’s time to reseal the doors and windows. These doors and windows will require new weatherstripping and caulking and, in the most extreme situations, replacement windows and doors.

Reset Your Water Heater Thermostat

Nothing sounds more appealing when it’s cold outside than a hot shower or bath. However, even when you crave the warmest shower, your water heater temperature is likely set too high. If the water temperature is set to a temperature you won’t realistically use, you can lower the temperature slightly while reducing your energy consumption.

Using a Smart Thermostat for Energy Efficiency

Smart thermostats will help you learn your living and usage patterns and create a schedule to save energy when you’re away or sleeping. They will automatically lower the heating when you’re gone and adjust to a more comfortable temperature when you’re home. You can program them to turn on when you arrive home for the evening, so they feel warm and welcoming when you walk in the door.

Maintain the Heating System

Regular maintenance can help your heating system work efficiently. Replacing the furnace filters monthly will prevent lint, dirt and dust from accumulating, which blocks the airflow and makes the system work harder, increasing its energy use. Also, scheduling annual maintenance will ensure it is working correctly and not using unnecessary energy.

These energy efficiency tips for the cooler months will help you save on your bills and let you keep more money in your pocket this fall and winter.


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