Everyone and Their Brother Wants to Work at Calcagni 

Everyone and Their Brother Wants to Work at Calcagni

At Calcagni Real Estate, it’s about more than selling houses. We are committed to creating a workplace where people want to stay, grow, and enjoy themselves. Our positive company culture is contagious. Calcagni agents have been enthusiastically recruiting friends and family to join our team. We’re thrilled by this trend, which speaks volumes about the positive environment here at Calcagni. When our employees bring their loved ones onto the team, it’s a testament to their trust and satisfaction within our company. We decided to sit down with a couple of our agents to ask them about Calcagni and working with family. Read on to learn why everyone and their brother wants to work at Calcagni! 

Alex LaRosa and Evan LaRosa, Brothers

Realtor Alex LaRosa has been working with Calcagni since 2018. When his brother Evan joined the team this year, we knew it was for a good reason. Alex says he loves working at Calcagni because everyone helps each other. He loves that there is a large, supportive team behind every transaction. Evan told us that Alex began talking to him about joining the team at Calcagni for a few years. During this time, Alex told Evan about all the benefits of working at Calcagni. As a result, Evan tells us that after playing sports with his older brother his whole life, he wanted to continue being on the same team. 

Don Maxwell and Donyell Maxwell, Father and Son

When Donyell Maxwell first became interested in pursuing a Real Estate career, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to work at Calcagni. His father, Don Maxwell, is a Calcagni agent, and Donyell wanted to make sure he was making the right decision for himself. Don knew there was some convincing to do, knowing his son is typically very independent. Don tells us he loves the culture of Calcagni and its agents. “It’s easy to get along with everyone, and help is not very far away… Calcagni treats everyone the same, from our clients to our community and our staff!”.

Donyell interviewed with several different companies to decide which one would be best for him. To nobody’s surprise, Calcagni stood out to him the most! Donyell tells us, “I like how much Calcagni offers and how close-knit the whole company is; everyone is willing to help each other. It was a very welcoming beginning for me.”

Lisa Thompson and Ashley Thompson, Mother and Daughter

For Ashley Thompson, choosing to work at Calcagni was easy. She tells us she has always deeply admired her mother, Calcagni Realtor Lisa Thompson, and her expertise and passion for her career. Ashley has always been interested in real estate but is especially excited to work with her mother at Calcagni. She tells us she loves working here because of the amazing and supportive team and the endless opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

In the end, what stands out most is the sense of community that extends beyond the office. For many Clacagni agents, it wasn’t just about finding a job; it was about joining a team their loved ones had already come to trust and cherish. Their stories of connection, trust, and shared values remind us that Calcagni Real Estate isn’t just a place to work—it’s a place to belong. You don’t have to have a family tie to work here. If you’re interested in a career at Calcagni Real Estate, get in touch with us.


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