Pest Control Mistakes to Avoid at the End of Summer

Pest Control Mistakes to Avoid at the End of Summer

Here at Calcagni we know that pest control is essential any time of year, but it is crucial toward the end of summer. As the weather begins to cool, pests will likely seek shelter in your warm and cozy home. Here are our top tips for end-of-summer pest control. 

Ignoring Seasonal Inspections

Regularly checking and inspecting for problems makes maintaining your home more manageable. Ignoring this maintenance can allow issues to go unnoticed until they become critical problems. Small problems are typically less expensive than large ones, so keeping on top of these tasks is important. At the end of summer, inspect your home’s interior and exterior. Search for the typical signs of pests, such as droppings, nests, damage, or insect trails. Addressing issues promptly will allow you to address a problem before it worsens.

Neglecting Outdoor Cleanup

Summer is the season of heavy yard maintenance. Yard debris and brush can become a home for pests in the late summer and early fall. To prevent your yard from becoming a pest paradise, regularly clean it. Removing potential food sources and hiding places for uninvited pests will help prevent them from taking up residence in your yard. Properly disposing of yard trimmings is one of the best ways to prevent rodents or bugs from making a home in your yard.

Forgetting to Seal Entry Points

Sealing entry points is a critical early fall maintenance task that homeowners should do every year. Not only does this help protect your home from weather damage, but it also helps prevent critters from making their way inside. Caulking and weather-stripping can prevent insects from entering the home. Meanwhile, steel mesh can prevent larger pests like mice and squirrels from accessing your home. Inspect your home inside and out to check for spots that need repairing. 

Inadequate Food Storage

Accessible food is a pest’s favorite thing. Don’t let your pantry become a personal buffet for insects or rodents. Improperly storing food attracts pests like ants, mice, and cockroaches. To keep pests out of your kitchen, store your food in airtight containers, clean up spills immediately, and keep countertops and flooring free of crumbs. Pet food and bird seed are other sources of pest attraction that you may overlook. Storing animal food in closed containers will help prevent attracting critters to your home. 

Allowing Standing Water

Standing water is a breeding ground for insect larvae. Leaving water to sit for days at a time attracts mosquitos and other insects to lay eggs. Moving water, such as fountains, is typically safe from this. Remember to dump the water from kiddie pools and refresh bird baths daily to prevent your yard from becoming a mosquito paradise.


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