What is Chaos Gardening and How Can I Use it to Transform My Yard This Spring?

a chaotic garden with many different types of colorful flowers

What is Chaos Gardening and How Can I Use it to Transform My Yard This Spring?

Say goodbye to perfectly planned and organized flower beds. Chaos gardening is the newest trend taking over TikTok and Pinterest. If you have yet to see this come across your For You Page, you may ask yourself: What is chaos gardening? Today, we’re discussing the viral trend and how to create your own chaos garden.

What is Chaos Gardening?

Chaos gardening is a carefree and whimsical approach to growing a garden where you throw out all traditional plans. This trend involves letting nature do its thing and sitting back to watch the magic happen. Chaos gardening involves simply tossing mixed seeds to a desired area instead of carefully planting and preening. Amateurs and experts alike have found chaos gardening fun because it allows you to be surprised by the end result.

How To Start a Chaos Garden

You can turn your whole yard into a chaos garden or keep it in a single flower bed. There are no rules! Gather various flower seeds with similar needs for light and water, prepare your soil, and sprinkle the mixed seeds everywhere. Cover the seeds lightly with more soil, and you’re on your way! Your next step is to sit back and see what grows. Chaos gardening doesn’t entirely mean you ignore your garden, so be sure to water it and give it some TLC. Before you know it, you’ll have a wild garden from your Pinterest dreams.

What Types of Flowers Should I put in a Chaos Garden?

Another reason why many people love chaos gardening is that it allows you to create a backyard oasis for local wildlife. The disorganization of this method creates a garden with a more organic and natural feel that wildlife supporters encourage. You can check with your local experts to see which plants will attract and support different species of birds, butterflies, and honey bees! You can also choose plants that will repel mosquitoes and other backyard pests. Lavender is a natural mosquito repellent that also attracts butterflies and bees. Adding Lavender to your chaos garden is a great way to keep your yard filled with the wildlife you want to see.

How To Tend To A Chaos Garden?

Once your garden begins to grow, the rest is up to you! You can let nature take over or tend to your garden however you wish. Chaos gardening is all about doing what makes you happy. You may be surprised to see what you can get from sitting back and doing nothing. If scattering seeds was enough chaos for you, you can opt to tend your flowers in the same way you would your typical garden.

This trend might not be for you, and that’s okay! We have plenty of resources for creating your traditional cut garden. Will you be starting a chaos garden this spring? If you are, tag us in the photos!


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